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Sunday, December 3, 2006

Exercise prescription for health

Even though the benefits of exercise are widely known, the great majority of the developed world remains sedentary. In US, one in four individuals reported doing no leisure time physical xtvt. In UK, one in six are physically inactive. In my country (Malaysia) 40% (my estimate, maybe over 40%) population are obesity (if u want to sell your lose weight product, Malaysia is a right place).

A great number of chronic conditions are associated with physical inactivity and a review entitled ‘waging war on modern chronic diseases: primary prevention through exercise biology’ argues cogently that almost 30% of annual death would be preventable with a primary prevention approach through exercise.

  • Pre-exercise evaluation

Before prescribing exercise, the practitioner must take a history and perform a physical examination just as he or she would when prescribing medication. To extend the analogy, the clinical assessment may indicate that special tests are needed before therapy (in this case an exercise program) can begin

  • Establish lifestyle goals

A good place to start the history is by asking the patient to outline his or her goal(s) related to exercise program. Be clear as to whether the aim is to prevent risk of a disease, slow progression of complication of a disease or improve quality of life that has been compromised by a chronic disease. The aim will influence the exercise prescription itself and how progress is to be measured.

The history should include a thorough medical review to seek any possible contraindications to exercise. Screening program such as the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q), Consent Form help the exercise specialist who does not feel medically qualified to access the patient. The health care practitioner will seek to identify any abnormalities in the cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, metabolic and endocrine systems that should prevent physical activity.

  • Discuss activity preferences and interests

To be successful, an exercise program must be tailored to the patient’s interests. Thus, the practitioner needs to ask about sporting and activity preferences and profile.

  • Physical examination

Complete physical examination includes examination of the cardiovascular system, respiratory function and neuromuscular system

  • Management

It is important at this stage to match the participant’s goal with their preferences and abilities. The practitioner must be discover what facilities and programs are available to the individual both in the home and in the local community.

  • Contingency plans and follow-up

As in any clinical interaction, it is important to identify personal barriers to achieving the goal’s set up in the action plan and to have a contingency plan if blocks are encountered. For example, if the participant chooses a combined land and waterexercise program, ask them if they have a swimsuit and whether a pool is accessible by bus. Have and alternative plan available should the program be offered on days or at times that are inconvenient.

  • Other tip

Encourage participant to involve family or friends in their program goals…

Source: Clinical Sports Medicine: Peter Brukner and Karim Khan

p/s: want to do physical examination?? (Cardiovascular system, sub maximal and maximal test) you can know your oxygen capacity, VO2max and etc.. just contact me.. moneymaker786[@] and I’ll arrange for u.. (Test at University of Malaya Physiology Lab, SPORTS CENTRE)..


weight and performance

The late Dr George Sheehan, a prolific and highly regarded writer on distance running, considered that weight relative to height was the key factor in distance running success. The subject of adjusting weight to improve performance is a touchy one
When and article on this appeared in a sport journal it brought an indignant reply from a nutritionist “it is dangerous to be significantly underweight for one’s height”.
It is also extremely dangerous to be overweight for one’s height, a point that seemed irrelevant to her

No man who is 1.8m tall and weighing 79.8kg will ever win the London Marathon, and it is unlikely that a woman, 1.65 in height and weight 58.9kg will ever do so either.

Simple formula

Why? To answer this we must consult Dr Stillman’s height/weight ratio table. He fixes the non-active man’s average weight for height with a simple formula.
He allocates 56.2 for the first 1.52m in height and 2.296kg for every 0.025 thereafter. He is harsher with women, giving them 45.3kg for the first 1.52m and 2.268 for every 0.025m above this. Having established the average, he then speculates on the ideal weight for athletic performance, as follows:

Sprinter (100-400m): 2.5 % lighter than average (e.g. 1.8m, average weight 81.92kg)-2.5%= 2.05kg

Hurdlers (100-400m) 6% lighter

Middle distance runners (800m-10km) 12% lighter

Long distance runners: 15% lighter

10% drop

Every athlete has a best racing weight which should be elucidated by trial and error. But the starting point for this is to aim for 10% below the average weight for height. It is a long established fallacy that because one runs every day one cannot be overweight for competition.
We require about 2500 calories a day to exist. And if we run 16km a day at a steady pace (able to converse while running) we will burn and require a further 1000 calories.
Thus if we consume 5000 calories a day, say, we are big fat content eaters we can even develop a paunch.

click this link for download a calculation.. u can use this tool for estimate your average weight..

to be continued...